Wednesday, March 9, 2011

mudslide blog

  • What are some natural factors causing mudslides in Guatemala?
  Answer: Rain comes and  down pours and the mountain sides will just like give side and fall down.
  • What are some human factors causing mudslides in Guatemala?
 Answer: They're cutting down the pine trees for aplliances like firewood.
  • What is being done to help reduce mudslides and mudslide damage?
 Answer: They're teaching the villagers how to protect themselves by planting pine trees to help the mudslides go away. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Graphs on global temperatures and carbon dioxide

 1.The horizontal line is showing the dates on how its going up by 100 years. It shows 1880 to the year 2000. 
  The vertical line shows the temperature in degrees F. The units are -1.0 to up to 1.0. 
3.  It doesn't say where they got the data from. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4 questions

  • 1 - What do you think the global average temperature is?  This means the average for everywhere on Earth, day and night, for an entire year.  Explain why you answered what you did.
 i really don't know what the average temperature is.  i think it should be 200 degrees. 
  • 2 - People are often talking about "global warming."  How much do you think the average global temperature has increased in the past 100 years?  Do you think that this is a lot?
 I have know clue. I don't really hear anyone talking about it, unless its getting really serious. I think its getting a lot worse. 
  • 3 - What do you think is the hottest the Earth has ever been? (since there has been an atmosphere?)  How about the coldest the Earth has ever been?  Explain why you answered what you did.
 I think the hottest has been 115 degrees and the coldest would be -124. I don't know i just guessed. 

  • 4 - Are you concerned about "global warming?"  Why or why not?
 I am a little bit because some of the animals that live on ice are going to become extinct and stuff. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dante's Peak

 Three interesting that were scientifically accurate were when they were on the volcano making sure everything was alright, the mountain or whatever it was, it was shaking really bad or having an earth quake. Another thing that was accurate is that when the kids when to the hot spot, the water was so hot that it burned your skin until it killed you. One more thing that was accurate was all the volcanic eruptions were what really happens when a volcano erupts. But one thing was that was ridiculous that all the fish died in the river but I don't understand why that happened.

Human exploration for fossil fuels: Journal Entry

My thoughts of the human exploration for fossil fuels is ok i guess. Fossil fuels are kind of bad if they fall into the wrong hands. Fossil fuels are flint, coal and oil. One thing they all have in common is that they all are flammable. Flammable things are really cautious around children for lighters, for open fires and other things. People do really bad things when they have fossil fuels like starting a fire if there a criminal and open bomb fires if they put a ton of gasoline in the fire before lighting it. I think Fossil fuels are bad for the world but a lot of them we use everyday. In a way their bad for the world if we use to much of all fossil fuels. Oil is what we use in tanks for heat in some homes, and flint is used for making or creating fires either at home, in the woods or in a camping ground.

Mass Movement

A slide is a sheet of material that slips over a failure plane ending anywhere from a meter to a kilometer down slope. The slides produces concave scares while slumps that tend to produce a scarp or cliff exposure. The trees are broken and bent while the slide can bury down the slope. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Petroleum is a crude oil that is flammable.  It's refined and separated most easily by boiling point. Its used in a large number of costumer products, from gasoline, kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents there used to make plastic and other stuff.  This word was first used in the treatise De Natura Fossilium, that was published in 1546 by a german mineralogist George Bauer.